Обложка книги Silver Sand, S R Crockett  
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314 страниц
Категория: Романы
ISBN: 9781908933126
Язык: Английский

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📒 This book, the last from Mr Crockett’s pen, shows happily the gift he undoubtedly possessed of telling a good Scots story. He knew and loved Galloway, her scenes and sites, her legends, her sore trials and stirring episodes. Those who have followed all Mr Crockett has written will not find their interest or admiration diminished by this last work. When Silver Sand was killed in the second part of the Trilogy, ‘The Dark o’ the Moon,’ readers might have expected that to be the end of him. But in Silver Sand, Crockett presents a prequel to ‘The Raiders’, taking us back one last time to ‘The Killing Times’ to reveal the story of John Faa (aka) Silver Sand as a young man. It is poignant, gripping and as packed with adventure and romance as ever. Published on the very day of Crockett’s death, this story is a fitting tribute to a writer who excelled in his field for over 20 years, allowing readers to experience once more the storytelling magic and evocatively beautiful description with which Crockett made ‘grey Galloway’ his own a hundred years ago.