Обложка книги An Investigation Into Causes of Student Strikes, Muthee Gikungu John, Kaniaru Samuel, Kangara Hannah  
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108 страниц
Категория: Менеджмент и управление
ISBN: 9783659483936
Язык: Английский

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📘 School strikes have become a problem to education system in Kenya. Purpose of study was to establish causes of school strikes in Murang'a North District. Study used descriptive research design. Stratified, random and purposive sampling methods were used to get appropriate sample of the study. Sample comprised 386 respondents. Questionnaires, interview guides, observation guides made up instruments of the study. Descriptive statistics in form of frequencies, percentages; and graphics like charts and graphs were used for reporting. Study found out school indiscipline cases ranged from drug and alcohol abuse, school strikes, stealing, fighting, bullying, truancy, homosexuality and membership to gangs. Other causes of indiscipline in schools included; peer pressure, examination pressure; apathy, poor social economic background of students and parents, inept school administration and influence of print and mass media. Study recommended closer monitoring of students, friendly schools, enactment of student participatory approaches to indiscipline, revamping of guidance and counselling programmes, peer counselling and establishment of mentorship programmes.