Обложка книги Torah Gematria of the Set-Apart Spirit - The Son Of Man Sitting At The Right Hand Of Power, John Martin  
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72 страницы
Категория: Религия
ISBN: 9781329602335
Язык: Иврит

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📗 Torah Gematria of the Set-Apart Spirit is inquiry by the spiritual substratum letters He, Wow, and Yowud to reveal the Son of Man sitting at the Right Hand of Power, the firstborn of the creation, the creator and master of worlds and His Abba, The Infinite Being The Greater Yahuweh The Father who brought forth His Son to be the righteous King and the Messiah and the Lesser Yahuweh to rule over righteous Yisrael and the first fruit multitude of Adam on the Mother Wheel of the Renewed Jerusalem in this final jubilee in the Sabbath appointed to His Firstborn Son.