🔖 The view that all Greek New Testament manuscripts contain Matthew 28:19 is a view that in all probability cannot be properly maintained, even without the contentions in the work of the Oxford University scholar and Professor of Theology, Frederick. C. Conybeare, there are it should be said some Greek New Testament manuscripts that do not contain Matthew 28:19. Therefore, the New Testament Pauline epistles contain a large volume of irrefutable testimony, which supports baptism in the name of Jesus only, in the established churches in Asia and Europe founded largely by the apostle Paul in his missionary journeys spreading the apostolic message. Alongside the Pauline epistles, other scholars and commentators have pointed out that other New Testament non-Pauline writings provide instruction and analogies whether directly or indirectly towards baptism in the name of Jesus even in the absence of the Pauline epistles, therefore confirming the practice of the book of Acts and the established New Testament apostolic churches. Therefore, Matthew 28:19 of itself stands in complete isolation as a misconstrued instruction or formula to baptize in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.