Обложка книги Confessions of a Small Town Minister, David John Ford  
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332 страницы
Категория: Религия
ISBN: 9781490860725
Язык: Английский

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📙 Ministry in a small town or rural context is challenging. The minister and his or her family live in a fishbowl, with every aspect of life under constant scrutiny. In addition, few seminaries or Christian colleges and universities offer courses preparing people for small-town ministry. Throw in limited resources and small-town politics, and you might begin to understand the struggle of Ben Wright, minister in Madison, Montana. In a last-ditch effort to find help before he quits ministry altogether, Ben solicits the advice of another minister, the aged and experienced Kain Hoddis. Ben and Kain undertake a journey of discovery as together they explore the joys and struggles of small-town ministry.