Обложка книги From Harlem to Wall Street and Beyond. to Africa where It all began, Raphael Ray Davis, Stanley A. Davis  
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238 страниц
Категория: Биографии
ISBN: 9781935186847
Язык: Английский

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📘 From Harlem to Wall Street and Beyond to Africa Where It All Began, is the autobiography of Raphael-Ray Davis, member of a black immigrant family surviving segregation in its rawest form in Harlem, NY. Born in 1937 of parents from Honduras and Jamaica, Davis learned the key to success is through education and knowledge of self. That key opened doors that would otherwise have been closed. Davis writes about the history of Africa and his experiences touring the continent. Reissued within these covers are the memoires of Stanley A. Davis, thus providing a collaboration of father and son sharing their amazing experiences from whipping post to Wall Street and beyond. This is Liberia: A Brief History of this Land of Contradfictions with Biographies of Its Founders and Builders, was copyrighted in 1953 by Stanley A. Davis.