Обложка книги Through Gentile Eyes - A Plea For Tolerance And Good Will, John Haynes Holmes  
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92 страницы
Категория: Религия
ISBN: 9781406773415
Язык: Английский

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📘 ile Eyes A PLEA FOR TOLERANCE AND GOOD WILL By JOHN HAYNES HOLMES Published by JEWISH OPINION PUBLISHING CORPORATION NEW YORK 1938 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . . 5 FOREWORD ..................... 7 THE GENIUS OF THE JEW 12 A GALLERY OF JEWS ............... 17 A WORLD JEWISH CONGRESS 23 LET THE JEW PLEAD GUILTY 29 LIVE AND LET LIVE . . .34 PALESTINE Is ZION ......... 40 THE REBIRTH OF ZION ...... 47 THE NAZI THREAT TO FREEDOM ...... 56 THE JEWS OF GERMANY ARE DOOMED 65 THE CRUCIFIXION HISTORY OR THEOLOGY .... 75 ONE COMMON PATH TO GOD ............. 81 INTRODUCTION A . S CHAIRMAN of the Committee on How to Combat Anti-Semitism in America formed Toy OPINION, a Journal of Jewish Life and Letters, I have noted the necessity of furthering the cause of tolerance and good-will among the widest pos sible audience. It is with this in mind that the Com mittee has determined to publish a volume of essays Through Gentile Eyes by Dr. John Haynes Holmes. For more than a generation there has been no more valiant champion on behalf of racial under standing and religious fellowship than Dr. Holmes. His services in this cause are pre-eminent and it is fitting that this volume should appear at a time when it is necessary to stem the tide of prejudice, and to advance the American tradition of brother hood among all creeds and races in our country. GEORGE GORDON BATTLE A FOREWORD speaking, there is no such thing as Gentile eyes. There are only human eyes which are charged with the task of looki...