🔖 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - THE PRINCIPLES OF BUSINESS ORGANIZATION AND SYSTEM, AND THE ACTUAL METHODS OF BUSINESS. PREFACE When the University of Michigan established its course in Commerce and Business Management, it appointed as lecturor on the principles of business method and system Mr. Carl C. Parsons an accountant, branch manager of an office equipment concern, and a contributor to. Out of his own experience, from the descriptions of actually- used methods published in, and with the collaboration of its editors, this series of lectures was prepared. The Lectures mere more fully attended at the University than any other series in the course. The number of hearers often was greater than the enrollment of the entire School of Commerce, because outside students attended. For all realized the practical value of these Iectures that they were based upon facts-not upon theory, but upon business principles actually tried out and found successful. This was the first time that the methods and systems of business, as actually used in operation, were reduced to their fundamental principles.