Обложка книги The Legend of the Sacred Image, Selma Lagerlof  
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48 страниц
Категория: Детективы
ISBN: 9781443714914
Язык: Английский

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📘 The Legend Of The Sacred Image. Along the main street of the city of Palermo, leading a donkey that was laden with two baskets filled with garden truck. Behind them strode her husband, who occasionally prodded the animal with his staff. At a corner they came upon a jeering throng of people who had surrounded a monk, and who seemed to be convulsed with laughter at ,what he was saying. The two came to a halt, attracted by the unusual sight. Husband, dear, the woman said, let us stop and hear what the holy man is saying. He seems to be a jolly friar and I wouldnt mind closing the day with a good laugh. Nor should I, in faith, the man replied. The days work is ended, so why deny ourselves a little fun, particularly as it costs nothing. They elbowed their way into the crowd and when they were near enough to the speaker to distinguish his features they were utterly amazed. He was certainly no jester, as they had thought him. He stood there talking with the most solemn countenance. This fact, however, seemed only to add to the amusement of his hearers. How can this be the old woman exclaimed. That monk looks most devout, yet why do all these people laugh at him You mustnt marvel at our laughter, said a man in the throng who overheard her remark. This monk comes from Lucca, in Italy, and is begging donations for a sacred image which, it appears, is to be found in a church of that city. He asserts that the image has the power to increase a hundredfold all offerings made to it. Can you...