📗 PREFACE. SINCE the days of that well-known authority, Peter Beckford, but few books have been published confined entirely to Hounds and Hunting. Beckfords Thoughts Upon Hunting, published about the year 1782, is still looked upon as the best authority on hunting matters, and all books dealing with this subject contain many quotations from his work. The practical advice contained therein was the outcome of a mind that knew his subject thoroughly, and as long as hunting continues his name will be a household word amongst hunting men. As a great lover of hounds and everything connected with hunting, I have ventured to write these few chapters, and it has been my endeavour to give those who should chance to read my little volume the result of my experience, and as the greater part was written far away from any books of reference, I have been unable to give extracts from other sources. That there are many points I have missed I feel certain, and I will only ask the reader to think kindly of my faults, and Aorealise the difficult task I have but poorly achieved. The Foxhound of the present day has been brought almost to perfection. Anyway, he is the most perfect animal in creation, and, thanks to the kindness of several Masters of Hounds, and with the aid of Mr. Cuthbert Bradleys pencil, and some photographs, I have been able to obtain illustrations of many well-known Foxhounds, Harriers, and Beagles, which I think will be of interest. CHAPTER I, In dealing with science of hound br...