Обложка книги To Have and To Hold, Mary Johnston  
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428 страниц
Категория: Литература на иностранных языках
ISBN: 9780809532490
Язык: Английский

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📓 Mary Johnston (1870-1936) was an American novelist, born in Buchanan, Virginia. She was most popular in her own day and is most remembered for two novels about early Virginian colonial life, "To Have and To Hold" (1900) and "Audrey" (1902). She also wrote several books about the Civil War, including "The Long Roll" (1911) and "Cease Firing" (1912). Other titles include "The Great Valley" (1926) and "Miss Delicia Allen" (1932). All her novels combine romance and history with lively plots. "To Have and To Hold" is set in the early days of the Jamestown settlement, and comes replete with swordfights, adventure, and murder.