📙 The Saga of Nottmerr is a play based on a new fairy tale that was devised through the award winning Swan Youth Theatre and ultimately brought to the stage in 2014. The tale brings together elements of mythology, legend, and folklore from Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Germanic origin and creates a world where dreams are as real as life and often just as deadly. A treacherous king, evil spirits, and a doomed pair of young lovers all play their part in this epic tale that takes place in the ancient, unforgiving, and hardened Norse lands where gods toyed with mortals and destiny was bought and sold freely. The usurping King Harald bargained with Hulda, a Mara, who has returned to claim her prize...Vidar...Harald's eldest son. When Vidar proves himself to be more noble and resilient to the Mara's advances, Hulda and her scheming daughter Maya bring about destruction and torment on those that he loves until he finally yields to their demands. A short, full length play performed in two acts that is suitable for both adult and youth casts. Staging can be elaborate or indeed simplistic with many possibilities for both lighting, sound, and costume. Originally produced by the award winning Swan Youth Theatre in 2014.