Обложка книги Letters and Despatches of Horatio, Viscount Nelson, Duke of Bronte, Vice Admiral of the White Squadron, John Knox Laughton  
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480 страниц
Категория: Биографии
ISBN: 9781473321632
Язык: Английский

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📒 Originally published in 1886, this work contains the letters and dispatches of one of Britain's most famous military leaders, Admiral Horatio Nelson. The following passage is from the introduction:This selection of Nelson's letters and despatches has been made with the view of bringing within a moderate compass Nelson's own exposition of his professional life. The materials were ready to hand in Sir N. Harris Nicolas's great work, for permission to quarry in which, I am indebted to the courtesy of the author's son, Mr. Harris Nicolas of the Audit Office, and of Messrs. Chatto & Windus, the representatives of his publishers. I have indeed been fortunately able to correct some errors of transcription and to add a few letters or minutes of interest. Had merely new letters been an object, it was in my power to have included several on matters of everyday routine, which the more systematic arrangement of the Admiralty Records has brought to light; as also some which have been published in the 'Athenaesum.' But I was not in search of mere novelty of this kind; and with very few exceptions, I found enough for my purpose in Nicolas's seven portly volumes, the value of which to the naval student has been somewhat lessened by their great bulk, and even, perhaps, by the very completeness of the collection.