Обложка книги Closing Funding Gaps, John Majoni  
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68 страниц
Категория: Бухгалтерский учет
ISBN: 9783847372462
Язык: Английский

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📕 This study was on closing the funding gaps in polytechnics of Zimbabwe. Almost all polytechnics have been found to be facing challenges especially in their engineering divisions while technology has continued to improve globally, equipment in polytechnics in Zimbabwe has remained static. Government and institutional head have cited lack of financial resources as the major cause of this situation. Some polytechnics have, with the aid of government, introduced the concept of production units in their various departments in an effort to raise funds for operational expenditure including consumables and lately, expenditure on staff retention or staff incentives. to improve the situation government should be the first to carry the burden of securing funding on behalf of polytechnics, and polytechnics should set up projects in farming, guesthouse operation, clothing manufacture and make use of available staff to conduct workshops in various trades of the economy.