Обложка книги Hot War, Cold War . Beyond, Tales from the Trenches of the 20th Century. The Memoirs of Austin Goodrich, Austin Goodrich  
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132 страницы
Категория: Биографии
ISBN: 9781450295789
Язык: Английский

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📘 The last three-quarters of the Twentieth Century probably had more life-changing events than all previous history. Austin Goodrich reflects on the role he played in driving this history to a successful conclusion in the interest of all he believed in. From a quiet street in a quiet middle-class midwestern city, Austin was thrown into the cauldron of World War II as an infantry man known in the old days as a gravel-clutcher. After serving in both the European and Pacific Theatres in the 86th Blackhawk Division, Goodrich pursued his WWII promise to serve the cause of world peace by joining the Central Intellegence Agency. The rest is history as told by one who participated in his country's first line of defense as a CIA case offi er serving for most of his 25 years under non-official (deep) cover.