📓 Why should the Truth be scary? Except that we have been deceived by stories that are not true? Before it's too late to find out what's happening, read on... At least discover the following: 1. Reincarnation is true. 2. The Law of Karma applies to everyone. 3. There is a Purpose for Life. 4. Your Soul cannot be harmed. 5. The life you are living is the life you designed. 6. There really are Hells and Heavens. 7. Prophecies are true, but misunderstood regarding December 21, 2012. 8. And the end is coming.... but it's the end of the Iron Age of Man, and not everyone will die or leave the Earth in the geophysical events coming our way. What if the Bible prophecies were true, but a wee bit distorted? What if the Mayan prophecies, the Hopi prophecies, the Bible prophecies, and those of others throughout history were speaking of the same series of events? And what if what's coming happened before? Do you know the "reason" the world has become so negative? The reason is that we are in the latter stages of the Iron Age of Man.... And this is about to end in about 550 days. On December 21, 2012, is when the new Golden Age of Man begins. But what does this mean? For some, it's actually quite positive. If you have the proper "resonance", no problem, according to the Mayan elder, Don Oxiaj. If not, then you probably need to read this book. Docjp