Обложка книги Running Shorts. A Collection of Stories and Advice for Anyone Who Has Ever Laced Up a Pair of Running Shoes, Joe Muldowney  
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152 страницы
Категория: Красота, здоровье и спорт
ISBN: 9781257909421
Язык: Английский

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📒 Running Shorts is a compilation of stories, advice, and anecdotes as seen through the eyes of a veteran runner. Along the way you'll meet some of the people who have influenced the writer's life, as well as some of the experiences they have shared together on the roads. Whether you are an experienced runner or a beginner, you can relate to the stories in this book and the humorous way many of them are presented. The author has run over 400 road races including 49 marathons, with a personal best marathon time of 2:22:54.