📙 Throughout early and modern history many men have pondered thequestion's, how, why and what created the universe? Of course, most ofthese questions in early history were simply answered by appealing to thenotion of a God or Gods.However, modern culture has progressed to a stage where these notionsof God or Gods and their definitive meanings have to be questioned. Forexample who exactly is God? What is God? Where does God exist in relationto the universe? What role did God play in the creation of the universe?Man's relationship to God must also be questioned, his mind, his thoughts,his soul, where is the connection? Life, death, life after death, where doesit fit in to God's 'big picture', because for us to truly understand God'spurpose for existence, we must first understand God's method of creation.For God's method of creation will unlock man's mind and spirit from itsphysical boundary of isolation. This book is a philosophical approach tothe reality of creation, evolution and the paradox of the universe; it dealswith God's spiritual entity.This is an answer to a question and an observation which forms a mental,as well as visual, understanding that climaxes into an equation of God.