Обложка книги Thou Shalt Kill, Tom P. Brown  
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310 страниц
Категория: Детективы
ISBN: 9781504929165
Язык: Английский

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📒 Tom P. Brown, a former combat United States Navy flight surgeon, witnessed hundreds of dead soldiers' organs going to waste during his time in Desert Storm. In "Thou Shalt Kill" (ISBN 1466240024), Brown envisions the cataclysmic future as the unrelenting cost of war and the concept of stem cell replication clash In the year 2019, America is bordering on financial collapse after funding our third conflict in Iraq. On the home front, the president has provided funding for stem cell research. The success is overshadowed after corporate greed infiltrates the government run programs. The intention to benefit those with the greatest need quickly disappears as the replication process is used to clone all major organs. With the success, the inevitable occurs as the country's population reaches the flash point. America becomes a battlefield of ethics as the concept of the chip becomes reality. A device placed into all citizens to signal when someone reaches the mandatory age of death. Years left on a chip are for sale and the hunt for the chip is on. Lieutenant Roger DeMarco must put an end to the murder of entire innocent Iraqi villages without discrediting the country. From a helicopter pilot caught in the middle of saving lives in the war while others use the war to harvest the enemy and civilians alike, to doctors caught on each side of the line, to a reality TV star, who having sold his chip, captures America's attention as he slowly kills himself in a hedonis...