Обложка книги It's All About Money and Politics. Winning the Healthcare War: Your Guide to Healthcare Reform, John D Sanderson  
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Переплёт: Мягкая обложка, 156 страниц
Категория: Бизнес образование
ISBN: 9781532084386

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📗 The healthcare business in the United States is broken!
There are basically two choices for change. The first is to create a consumer-driven healthcare system. A properly designed system can reduce administrative costs, create competition based on price, quality, and service; provide a foundation for restructuring Medicare, and include those covered by Medicaid and the uninsured.
The second choice is a single-payer national health plan run by the government that will result in extended waiting times for specialized services and potentially rationing based on age, diagnosis or other criteria. Some are now advocating Medicare for all including illegal residents the economic impact of which is incomprehensible and would guarantee rationing in one form or another. Examine the Veteran's Administration system and then make your choice.
Get involved or accept without complaint what others dictate!