Обложка книги ????(????). Love in England (A novel in simplified Chinese characters), B杜  
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Переплёт: Мягкая обложка, 490 страниц
Категория: Романы
ISBN: 9781913080167

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📙 Книга "英伦玫瑰(简体字版). Love in England (A novel in simplified Chinese characters)".
才华洋溢的小提琴手柯贝贝嫁给IM公司的执行官,过着养尊处优的生活。一天,一个钢琴演奏家出现,一步步把柯贝贝带离原有的轨道。他是谁?深爱她的丈夫是否能将她叛离的心拉回?这是作者B杜一系列异国恋情N部曲之四。故事发生在英国,优柔寡断的女主角把自己的一副好牌打烂,而爱她的男人同样深陷泥沼,她能否浴火重生?敬请期待。'Love in England' is the fourth book of B Du’s series of Romantic Odyssey novels. Talented violinist Ke Beibei lives the good life after marrying a prosperous company executive, but, her attention is soon captured by a fellow musician. Can her husband win her back?