Обложка книги I Сan Take Your Pain Away: A Doctor's Story, Коновалов Сергей Сергеевич, Богатырева Елена Николаевна  
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Переводчик: Раппапорт Хелен
Переплёт: Мягкая обложка, 368 страниц
Категория: Букинистика
ISBN: 0-9547187-0-4
Букинистическое издание

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📘 The stories of recovery from ill health described in this book are genuine, based on the accounts of real patients. Nevertheless, neither the author or the publisher gives any guarantee or makes any representation that your use or application of techniques in this book will be equally successful or that they will be suitable to your individual medical needs. For this reason the author and publisher disclaim any liability arising from the use or application of the techniques and exercises contained in this book.