Обложка книги Goodbye, Mr Hollywood: Stage 1, John Escott  
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рейтинг книги Goodbye, Mr Hollywood: Stage 1

Переплёт: Мягкая обложка, 64 страницы
Категория: Книги
ISBN: 978-0-19-478905-9

Где найти книгу?

📗 Nick Lortz is sitting outside a cafe in Whistler, a village in the Canadian mountains, when a stranger comes and sits next to him. She's young, pretty, and has a beautiful smile. Nick is happy to sit and talk with her.
But why does she call Nick 'Mr Hollywood'? Why does she give him a big kiss when she leaves? And who is the man at the next table - the man with short white hair?
Nick learns the answers to these questions three long days later - in a police station on Vancouver Island.