Обложка книги The Wrinkles of the City: Los Angeles, JR .  
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140 страниц
Категория: Книги
ISBN: 8888493905

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📕 JRs triumphal march through the world goes on. In his effort of creating a new way of connecting the streets with the system JR continues to follow his unique way of changing the world. After The Wrinkles of the City Shanghai here comes the second chapter with The Wrinkles of The City LA. Street Wizard, Jedi of the Photography, Jr's project coagulates with his other global projects which make him a Gatekeeper of the rage of the street with the decadence of the American empire. For the first time in the heart of America, in the City of the Angels, Jrs unique way of operating devastates the mecca of youth and the unoffical embassy of the American culture conquering the streets bringing hope and love for a new era. Each JR's large-scale photo mural has its own history and reason to be there. To have a critical look at the work of JR is to enter a world where every action has its meaning, is to understand the message that the artist wants to send to anyone who approaches, accidentally or deliberately, one of his portraits. This time, the purpose of the project was to meet witnesses of the changes that have occurred in the city or in their own lives. Los Angeles is the place where the Hollywood myth was born, with its stars system, the glamour and the beauty being part of the identity of the city. For this project, JR wished to oppose the wrinkles of old people living in LA and the marks of their past with the image of perfection or regenerated beauty of the XXIst century. After the mindblowing success of the first chapter here comes a collectable table book and a collection of images from an artist - winner of the TED Prize in 2011 - who will remain in the history of photography and contemporary art.