Издательство: Прогресс, 1979
Иллюстратор: С. Морозов
Редактор: М. Державина
Переплёт: Твердый переплет, 112 страниц
Категория: Литература на иностранных языках
Язык: Английский
Тираж: 14000
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📗 The Lenin Museum was opened in May, 1924, as a branch of the V.I.Lenin Institute. Since 1936 it has been called the Central V.I.Lenin Museum. More than 12,500 exhibits are displayed in its three floors and 34 halls. The exhibits include the first publications of Lenin's works, photostat copies of his manuscripts, Lenin's personal belongings, documentary photographs and presents from the working people. Also on display are several Soviet works of art-paintings, sculptures, graphics, and items of folk art dedicated to V.I.Lenin. Lenin's entire life and activities are linked to the history of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the history of the first socialist state. There are many exhibit items in the museum that recount the Great October Revolution and the Civil and Great Patriotic wars, the construction of a new social order in the USSR and the international revolutionary movement. During the last 50-year period over 43 million people from more than 100 countries throughout the world have visited the Central Lenin Museum. This is vivid evidence that the name and cause of Lenin live in the hearts and minds of all progressive people on this planet.