Издательство: КМК, 2007
Переплёт: Мягкая обложка, 136 страниц
Категория: Научная литература
ISBN: 978-5-87317-385-3
Язык: Английский
Тираж: 400

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📙 "Catalogue of the LE (BIN) Basidiomycetes Culture Collection" includes 1463 strains of agaricoid, aphyllophoroid and gasteroid fungi of over 500 species from 200 genera, 55 families and 24 orders listed in alphabetic order. A list of 14 ascomycetes strains maintained in the LE (BIN) Collection is given in the Appendix. The strains were obtained from nature or received from other culture collections and organizations. Some original pictures of mycelial mats, micromorphological characters and fruiting of collection strains are included in the Catalogue.

This book is intended for mycologists, microbiologists, biotechnologists, mushroom's growers and other specialists who are interested in experimental work on macromycetes. It can be also useful for teachers and students of biological departments of high schools and universities.