Обложка книги Государственный Русский музей. Альманах, №202, 2008. Vera Ermolaeva, Евгения Петрова,Peter Bray,Людмила Вострецова,Татьяна Горячева,Антонина Заинчковская  
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Издательство: Palace Editions,Государственный Русский музей, 2008
Переплёт: Твердый переплет, 144 страницы
Серия: Государственный Русский музей (альманах)
Категория: Литература на иностранных языках
ISBN: 978-3-940761-16-3
Язык: Английский,Русский
Цветные иллюстрации; Альманах

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📖 "She regarded the role of women in art with some skepticism, and when people would Iook at her pictures she'd say with a charming smile: "Woman in art is called not so much to с ate as to form an esthetic atmosphere around talented male artists. She was beauty" Womanly. She bore her infirmity with courage." The miraculously preserved legacy of Vera Mikhailovna Ermolayeva testifies to the tremendous force of a powerful artistic talent buttressed by schooling from the best masters of the Russian avant-garde. "Those who've seen her gouaches without knowing whose they were have wondered at the limitless freedom and elemental force of her painting". "Her works, though done with seeming ease and freedom, are always deeply emotional, and exquisite in their colors". Antonina Zainсhкоvsкaуa Формат: 24,5 см x 22,5 см.