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Все книги Ercole G. Massi
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Ercole G. Massi: список всех книг (8)
Compendious Description of the Museums of Ancient Sculpture, Greek and Roman in Vatican Palace
Ercole G . Massi, Vatican Museo Vaticano
Compendious Description of the Museums of Ancient Sculpture, Greek and Roman, in the Vatican Palace: With the Addition of the Etruscan and Egyptian . Maps of Italy and of the Assyrian Monuments
Ercole G. Massi
Compendious Description of the Museums of Ancient Sculpture, Greek and Roman, in the Vatican Palace: With the Addition of the Etruscan and Egyptian . of Italy, of the Cabinet of Assyrian Monu
Ercole G. Massi
Descrizione Compendiosa Dei Musei Dell.antica Scultura Greca E Romana Nel Palazzo Vaticano Con Aggiunta Dei Musei Gregoriano-Etrusco . (Italian Edition)
Ercole G. Massi
Compendious Description of the Galleries of Paintings in the Papal Palace of the Vatican, Containing: The Historical Account of the Vatican Palace-The . Hall of the Immaculate Conception-The
Ercole G. Massi
Descrizione Delle Gallerie Di Pittura Nel Pontificio Palazzo Vaticano Contenente Le Sale Regia E Ducale: Le Cappelle Paolina E Sistina, La Cappella Di . Le Stanze Di Raffaello, L (Italian Edition)
Ercole G. Massi
Compendious Description of the Museums of Ancient Sculpture: Greek and Roman, in the Vatican Palace; with the Addition of the Etruscan and Egyptian Museums--
Ercole G. Massi
Compendious Description of the Galleries of Paintings in the Papal Palace of the Vatican .
Ercole G. Massi