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Frank D. Andrews: список всех книг (7)
The Tea-Burners of Cumberland County
Frank D. Andrews
Names of tax payers of Hingham, Massachusetts, 1711, from the original manuscript in the possession of Frank D. Andrews
Frank D. Andrews
The Tea-burners of Cumberland County who Showed Their Resistance to British Tyranny and Unjust Taxation by Burning a Cargo of East India tea on the Evening of December 22, 1774 at Greenwich, New Jersey
Frank D Andrews
The Tea-burners of Cumberland County who Showed Their Resistance to British Tyranny and Unjust Taxation by Burning a Cargo of East India tea on the Evening of December 22, 1774 at Greenwich, New Jersey
Frank D Andrews
Robert Ayars and his Descendants
Frank D Andrews
The Tea-burners of Cumberland County who Showed Their Resistance to British Tyranny and Unjust Taxation by Burning a Cargo of East India tea on the Evening of December 22, 1774 at Greenwich, New Jersey
Frank D Andrews
Robert Ayars and his Descendants
Frank D Andrews