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Все книги James C. 1838 1880 Watson
James C. 1838 1880 Watson: Полный список книг
James C. 1838 1880 Watson: список всех книг (4)
Theoretical astronomy, relating to the motions of the heavenly bodies revolving around the sun in accordance with the law of universal gravitation, with numerical examples and auxiliary tables
James C. 1838-1880 Watson
Theoretical astronomy, relating to the motions of the heavenly bodies
James C. 1838-1880 Watson
Theoretical astronomy relating to the motions of the heavenly bodies revolving around the sun in accordance with the law of universal gravitation . of the geocentric and heliocentric places
James C. 1838-1880 Watson
Theoretical astronomy relating to the motions of the heavenly bodies revolving around the sun in accordance with the law of universal gravitation . for the calculation of the geocentric a
James C. 1838-1880 Watson