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Все книги John William Dering Gray
John William Dering Gray: Полный список книг
John William Dering Gray: список всех книг (4)
Sermons upon the second advent of Our Lord microform : preached at Trinity Church, St. John, in December, 1864
John William Dering Gray
A letter to members of the Church of England by I.W.D. Gray, D.D., Rector of the parish of St. John, N.B., in reply to aletter from Edmund Maturin, M.A., late Curate St. Paul.s, Halifax, N.S. microform
John William Dering Gray
A reply to the Rev. F. Coster.s defence of the "Companion to the prayer book" microform
John William Dering Gray
A reply to the statement of the Rev. Mr. Wiggins, A.M. microform : showing the causes which have led to his retirement from the curacy of Saint John
John William Dering Gray